Monthly Editions–South Asia Watch
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Modi’s New Chapter: Indo-Japan Ties
“The 21st century is Asia’s century, the World has accepted it. The question is how will it be? The two ways are “Vistarvaad” (expansionism) and “Vikasvaad” (development). We see around us the forces of expansionism… and development will come gradually, which is way ahead.” — Narendra Modi, Indian Prime Minister Japan is one of India’s […]
As Hell Broke Loose over the Heaven on Earth….
The last ten days have been nothing less than a nightmare in the northern parts of the country, as incessant torrential rains, the heaviest experienced by Kashmir in 50 years, created havoc, resulting in the worst floods in over six decades, affecting close to 2,600 villages in Jammu and Kashmir. Much to everyone’s agony, the […]
Regional Cooperation in South Asia – Benefit to All
South Asia is one of the emerging economies and most dynamic regions of the world. It is home to almost 20 percent of the world’s population, including 40 percent of the world’s poor; yet it accounts for only three percent of the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and less than two percent of world trade. […]
Bordering two Bengals
“Oh! Calcutta.”, she exclaimed. Walking past the dilapidated colonial buildings and narrow alleyways that line most of Kolkata’s cobbled streets, overhearing such heartfelt exclamations can conjure much in the imagination, stirring the soul. The clamor of college students I had accidentally eavesdropped on, however, had only felt their bellies stirring, as they finally decided to […]
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